The project seeks to comprehend the mental transformations in elderly individuals and the influence of biological, social and cultural aspects that shape these changes. The objective is to create a digital mental health tool named Wecare for remote caregivers, aiming to address the urgent requirement for proactive support in the mental well-being of the elderly.
Introduction Video
The rapid aging of the global population has escalated the demand for care and support among the elderly. The COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated this situation by highlighting the challenges of remote care, amplifying the elderly's vulnerability, and accentuating their emotional distress stemming from age-related physical decline.
Despite this pressing need for holistic care, the majority of products available on the market predominantly prioritize the physical health and accessibility needs of the elderly, often overlooking the critical aspect of mental health support.
1. The Chinese government enforced the One-Child Policy for 36 years, from 1980 to 2016, causing many difficult consequences.
2. In the past, parents had support from multiple children, but now they rely on one, placing a heavy emotional burden on the single child who cares for aging parents and grandparents in the 4-2-1 family structure.
3. Meanwhile, the second wave of Chinese emigration to the West began in the late 1970s, with many choosing to study, work, and live abroad. Consequently, many only children and their parents now live apart.
4. Although telemedicine has grown, mental health often receives less attention than physical health, indicating a need for design to support elderly individuals and remote caregivers.
I've observed many people struggle to balance personal preferences with family obligations when their parents live far away, often feeling guilty for not providing adequate care. Concerns also arise about their parents' ability to adapt to a new environment if they are invited to live in another country.
Research goal
Research question
The research aims to improve understanding of mental health issues among the elderly and their caregivers. I hope to encourage their connection and identify mental health issues early to prevent problems.
How can we design a solution that addresses the factors influencing the mental health of the elderly, particularly in the context of remote caregiving? ​​​​​​​
This research examines the challenges of caregiving for elderly family members in China from Canada, aiming to develop a reference framework for remote caregiving. It seeks to inspire similar families in other cultures. The focus is on designing a tool to assist caregivers in promoting mental health awareness rather than providing professional diagnostic tests for clinical use.
Literature review of previous studies​​​​​​​
- de Mendonça Lima, C. A., & Ivbijaro, G. (2013). Mental health and wellbeing of older people: Opportunities and challenges. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 10(3), 125–127.
- Kang, H., & Kim, H. (2022). Ageism and Psychological Well-Being Among Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 8, 23337214221087023.
- The silver economy. (2017, March 7). ISO.
Field research phase 1 - background investigation
In the field research phase 1, I extensively reviewed scholarly articles and journals to understand remote caregiving for elderly mental well-being from different aspects. 
Then, I engaged in autoethnographic research, conversing with my grandparents and other family members. I observed and journaled experiences during visits to the community clinic with my grandparents in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China, and explored government policies. I also interviewed a counsellor, a professional caregiver, and five only-child caregivers who live in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Main takeaways
1. Elderly Perceptions and Behaviors:
    - Elders often associate emotional events with learning and challenge stereotypes.
    - They prefer self-reliance, especially in terms of diet, and often hide challenges to avoid burdening their children.
2. Caregiver Insights:
    - Major medical procedures can lead to depression and cognitive issues, often unnoticed until experienced.
    - Common mental illnesses among the elderly include anxiety, depression, and dementia, highlighting the importance of mental well-being in end-of-life care.
3. Counseling and Support:
    - Few elderly seek counselling independently; they usually attend sessions arranged by their children and focus on family relationships.
    - Mental health resources and counselling services for the elderly are underutilized.
4. Community Services and Facilities:
    - Senior activity centers and community clinics often lack appropriate amenities and services tailored to elderly needs.
    - Disparities in government policies and service standardization affect the quality of care available to the elderly.
Field research phase 2 - user behaviour research
In the second phase, I aimed to research user behaviours. This involved analyzing current mental health apps and health education websites for elders in the market. Additionally, I participated in a digital literacy workshop for elders in Coquitlam, BC, Canada, where I volunteered for four weeks, assisting them in learning how to use applications for about 35 participants alongside the instructor.
Main takeaways
1. Mental Health Apps Focus:
    - Most apps, like Headspace, MindShift, and BetterMe, emphasize emotional relief and meditation but lack information on understanding and managing emotions.
2. User Experience for Elders:
    - Text-heavy websites can overwhelm elderly readers.
    - Elders use phones and tablets as primary learning devices but struggle with complex registration and secondary confirmation processes, highlighting the need for simpler user interfaces.
3. Digital Literacy Workshop Insights:
    - Elders face challenges with digital tools, needing clearer instructions and more intuitive designs.
4. Benefits for Caregivers:
    - Caregivers find mobile apps helpful for skill-building and web tools for training and education on well-being.
    - There's a gap in digital tools specifically tailored for elder care.
Design goal
Bridge the gap in mental health literacy by raising awareness of several critical aspects: 
a.) The correlation between the physical decline of the elderly and its potential impact on their mental health
b.) It Is important for caregivers to recognize and manage their mental health amidst their responsibilities. 
  Wecare is ​​a digital health tool for distant caregivers, who often find themselves under the immense pressure of looking after the elderly. It addresses the critical need to proactively understand and address potential mental well-being issues that can arise in elderly individuals. The product will be presented as a responsive web application suitable for websites, tablets, and phones.
Definition of audiences
The primary audience is only-child caregivers, including a diverse group of single, adopted, or chosen family members. Families that have lost a sibling and now find themselves as the only caregiver are potential primary users as well. The secondary users are elders who fit into the situation, such as having only one child, living alone, being with a distant family, etc.
Design framework
In the design framework, the four factors in the middle - biological, medications, social engagement, and lifestyles - are key elements impacting daily mental wellness. The four factors form the four parameters - physical changes, emotional changes, connection, and environmental changes - which shape the content of Wecare. The assessment questionnaire will extensively focus on the elements highlighted in blue on the left half of the square; only some basic questions will be asked in the red area on the right.
It is important to note that responses indicating concerns in the red areas may raise a red flag, suggesting the need for further advice and consultation. In such cases, seeking help from professional experts is strongly advised.
Persona spectrum
I have identified six distinct personas in mapping through the spectrum of caregiving. Recognizing the intricate nature of caregiving, I have expanded the spectrum to encompass many potential stakeholders within this framework. Adult children, particularly only-child, assume primary caregiver roles due to their inherent responsibilities. Moreover, secondary, tertiary, or even quaternary caregivers include relatives, professional caregivers, children’s friends, elderly acquaintances, social workers, and volunteers.
To better understand the caregiving landscape, I have conducted an analysis that involves scenario assessment, needs identification, and the meticulous highlighting of pain points. This approach has enabled a comprehensive ranking of caregiving relevance, offering insights into the nuanced needs and challenges experienced across these personas.
User Journey
The journey map below illustrates the rationale behind users' selection of the product, their expected outcomes, and the tangible benefits they anticipate post-usage. Moreover, it serves as a mirror reflecting the product's vision, nurturing a positive rapport between the product and its audience and emphasizing the importance of building trust. This map also serves as a compass, steering the development of user flow and wireframes in the subsequent phases.
Main features
User Flow
Prototype examples
Wecare – a digital health tool that is based on the design solution
Wecare is a digital health tool designed to improve remote caregiving for the mental well-being of our elders. It offers general online assessments, monitoring aids, caregiving tips, mental health literacy blogs, and integrated public resources. Caregivers and elders can easily onboard Wecare and access all features for free. Our mission is to advocate for the importance of mental health in elderly care, facilitating better connections between caregivers and elders while addressing potential psychological issues positively and effectively.
Limitations and Reflections
The research's limitation was that lots of research acknowledges the complex connection between physical changes, specifically post-surgery recovery, and mental health in elderly individuals. Because of the topic's vastness and various perspectives from fields such as medicine, neurology, and psychology, it is challenging to cover all aspects comprehensively. Although the primary focus of the research and Wecare is to ease the burden for caregivers, understanding elders’ perspectives is still an area that can be improved and strengthen its integrity.
Future opportunities
Wecare has the opportunity to enhance the current assessment tool by integrating robust backend data support and transforming it into a professional clinical diagnostic tool for initial assessments. 
Additionally, there is potential to expand the system into a comprehensive care platform, allowing for features like onboarding counsellors, facilitating consultations, and aiding long-term care home experts. The existing research forms the foundation for Wecare, with future studies, data-driven, and even machine-learning approaches promising its further development and application across various professional fields.
After two years of research, it's clear that the mental well-being of the elderly is a significant concern. Although the limitations of the sample size, the study uncovered meaningful stories and discoveries, leading to the creation of Wecare. Moving forward, it's crucial to recognize the importance of mental well-being in elder care, raising awareness, educating caregivers and elders, improving healthcare services, and providing proper assessment tools to make consulting easier.
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